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Ukuleles, Ocarinas, Seed Bombs, Microbat Boxes - Workshops on TI.

A beach on Thursday Island was the perfect setting for erecting benches to work with the local community participants and supporting Aftercare over a week to make 52 Ukuleles, 18 Ocarinas, 72 seed bombs and 6 microbat boxes.

Microbats can eat up to 1200 mozzies and hour, so placing a few constructed boxes 4m above the ground, in a tree near your favourite spot, is better than coils to reduce the mosquito population.

Seed bombs started in Japan and moved to New York for people to have fun planting seeds soaked in seaweed solution, then into a compost filled clay pot decorated "bomb" to plant later, or give as a gift. We had the Drumstick tree seeds (Moringa Oleifera- extremely edible, nutritious tree), Pigeon pea, Marigold, Nasturtium, and popular seed sprouts to plant.

Ocarinas are a clay vessel flute, dating back 12000 years in China, and in Japan called the Earthen flute (tsuchibue), we adopted the 1964 mathematician John Taylor 4 hole system for tuning.

The hand made completed Ukuleles were seen around the island hanging off the back of bicycles and beginning players were invited to a Saturday jam session at the local bowls club which had a 10 piece performance, very well supported.

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